Tag: Poland (page 2 of 2)

Kids fun in Nowa S贸l, lakes Szumino and Nies艂ysz

There is a park of dwarfs in Nowa S贸l that will make your kids happy. The entrance is free and you will find enough playgrounds and animal to keep your kids busy for 2-3hours.

The fun time for the kids was the planning time for me. With temperature of 30掳C+ we decided to look for some nice lakes and hang around them. And do we drove towards lake Szumino. On our way there we spotted the highest statue of Jesus in Europe. Although to me it looks like a statue of Aragorn from “the Lord of the rings” 馃槈

Lake Szumino appeared to be reasonably clean and the spot we found was good enough for an overnight staying but…

half an hour after we arrived, a tractor sprayed manure on a nearby field… The smell was so intense that we decided to look for another place, with some fresh air, for a change 馃槈 And so we found lake Nies艂ysz, with ctistal clear water and white sand on the beach 馃檪

This sign made me loughing a lot:

Toilet – 50m, running – 25m

From one lake beach to another in Wielkopolska

We wanted to stay for a day at the shore of Jeziorsko lake that is known for lots of opportunities for wild camping. But seeing the tons of trashes left behind by the previous tourist, we knew we would not enjoy it there… Amazing how irresponsible people can be…

We moved severel kilometres North, to a small lake called Przykona. The nature was beautiful, but it is allowed to use motorboats on that lake so knew staying for longer is not an option.

On the next day Rafal took some time to have a look at our solar installation that seemed not to work as expected… Indeed two of the panels are not charging the second battery but fortunately the fix should be relatively easy, once we are back to our “base”.

He was lucky enough to secure all the connections on the roof right before a huge thunderstorm…

And do it was time to move forward… The public beach in 艢rem is excellent for families with kids. Free water slide for kids above 100cm (but smaller could to try it as well as noone is guarding it), clean sand and warm water (poor water transparency though – I lost my ring in the water and there was no way to find it back 馃檨 In that beach we also left behind the best sand toys of our kids, but we only discovered it on the next day :-/)

After getting enough (too much?!) sun we decided to move forward and visited a beach in Nowy Debiec, which occured to be a big holiday resort with a nice beach and dozens of small bars, ice-cream places and toy stands. Our kids loved it but we didn’t so we decided to look for another place… After having checked several forest parkings we ended up in a public beach in Dominice at the shore of Dominickie lake. We actually liked it so much that we stayed there for two nights. Nights of the falling stars 馃檪

Public beach at Dominice

Joyful time at Baka艂arzewo

It was just by a chance that we arrived to Baka艂arzewo. We were looking for a quiet place to park for the night nearby Wigierski Park Narodowy and the small parking by the lake was indicated on one of the maps of possibilities for wild camping.

And the town/village was a very positive surprise to us: with a river and a lake and full of history! We enjoyed our time there a lot! Just layzing by the lake (with a sandy beach), visiting the local playground and paying a visit at small bunker.

The guide for bunker impressed us with his passion for history. You should not miss this 30 minutes excursion just at the border of the village.

View from from the bunker

And in the afternoon of the next day a lovely couple joined us for the evening and a little bit of the morning! Thank you Asia and Mirek for the joyful and valuable time we that we spent together!

Digging in the past memories and Wigierski Park Narodowy

On our way to the North of Poland I wanted to visit a special place, nearby a village called Ateny (Athens :-), where I spent several summer holidays camping in a tent with my parents when I was small. Very small…

Unfortunately the place has changed and my memories are very faded so the landscape did not ring any bell…

Anyway, the area still looks very attractive for spending summer there.

Our camp was set up nearby a big campsite of scouts.
Looking for memories from Mum’s childhood…

Afterwards we had several stops at viewpoint on Wigierski National Park. This natural reserve must be gorgeous when seen from the water level.


August贸w definatelly is not our cup of tea… Too loud, too crowded and full of entertainments…

After a long walk in the city centre and along the lake, we decided to go back to the nature and stay for the night at the shore of Bia艂e lake. The place was pretty empty until the sunset when 3 other cars arrived within on hour. Anyway the night was quiet and peaceful 馃榾

Visiting Tatars in Kruszyniany and Supra艣l

Kruszyniany – although the place is very touristic, it is worth a visit. In just 20min long guided tour to the mosque one can learn a lot of history and interesting stories about the Tatars from the village and in Poland. The guide is a very interesting person as such! Do not miss the cemetery!

Mosque in Kruszyniany
Cemetery in Kruszyniany

We had a late lunch in the local restaurant serving Tatar’s traditional food. Everything was tasty and of good quality but our kids did not share our enthusiasm towards the new tastes 馃槈

Few kilometres North from Kruszyniany, there are Krynki with a roundabout connecting 12 streets (unique in Poland!).

When driving towards Supra艣l we knew that we will get some rain at last. But we were lucky to reach the town right after the heavy rain was over.

Driving into the rain…
After rain in Supra艣l
The deeper the better!

Lovely small town with lots of history and several picturesque places. It is definitely worth a longer walk, but we were running pretty late and hungry.

We spent a quiet night at Kopna G贸ra, a recreational area prepared and managed by the State Forest Authority.

Bia艂owie偶a and Bia艂owieski National Park

After having voted in the presidential elections (we really hoped for changes…not yet though…) we were back on the road towards the East. We arrived to Bia艂owie偶a hungry and a local road closure made it difficult to reach the restaurant of our choice so we ended up dining at “u Pasibrzucha”. The service was slooooow but the food was all right. For the night we selected two parking lots in the National Park, but the parking in front of the bizon reserve was further from the road. And there were 3 other campervans staying overnight so we joined them. It was very nice to sit all together and talk about being on the road. Such random “meetings” with their friendly and cheerful holiday atmosphere can we truly inspirational!

In the morning we visited the Bizon reserve (with our fellows from the parking) and drove to Bia艂owie偶a to see the the museum in the Park.

In the Bizon reserve

On our way towards towards artificial lake Siemianowka we had several stops to observe the beautiful nature…

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