Since we left Poland, mostly in the evenings, we heard noises coming from under the floor or from behind the cupboards. Yes, that was a mouse… Although we have never seen it “onboard” we found its traces in several places, including cupboards (with no food inside). With six traps of two kinds: a glue one and a more humanitarian that will not hurt its visitor, we used several lures: biscuits, bread, chocolates, sausage and würstel. Only the latter one was interesting for our passenger, but unfortunately not interesting enough to get it inside the trap… Too bad… Hearing how it demages the interior of our home and imaging all the half eaten cables hidden in places so difficult to reach, was too much for us and so we decided to try the last resort… to poison it… Our passenger found the poison very attractive and a huge part was missing just an hour after we placed it. So now we are waiting…
In the meantime we enjoy the last summer days at the seaside in Pinarella di Cervia and camping Adriatico.

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