After having voted in the presidential elections (we really hoped for changes…not yet though…) we were back on the road towards the East. We arrived to Białowieża hungry and a local road closure made it difficult to reach the restaurant of our choice so we ended up dining at “u Pasibrzucha”. The service was slooooow but the food was all right. For the night we selected two parking lots in the National Park, but the parking in front of the bizon reserve was further from the road. And there were 3 other campervans staying overnight so we joined them. It was very nice to sit all together and talk about being on the road. Such random “meetings” with their friendly and cheerful holiday atmosphere can we truly inspirational!
In the morning we visited the Bizon reserve (with our fellows from the parking) and drove to Białowieża to see the the museum in the Park.
On our way towards towards artificial lake Siemianowka we had several stops to observe the beautiful nature…
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