After spending a night at a channel nearby the crooked forest in Gryfino, we went there for a short walk. Indeed it is very interesting to see so many trees bent in a similar manner. Unfortunately it is unclear how and why these distortions were made. They are manmade for sure and the rest is unknown.

After this short visit we moved forward North, to the Dąbie lake, looking for a nice peaceful beach with clear water to swim and cool down a bit (34°C on that day).
In Bystra and Lubczyna the beach was clean and pretty empty, but the water reminded of a green soup.

And so we moved more to the North, to Szczecin Lagoon, to find a very peaceful beach few kilometres after Stępnica, in Czarnocin.
The water was equally green in there, but the views and the emptiness made us stay there for the night 🙂

A lovely place to celebrate the 14th anniversary of us together, with a bottle of wine bought in the winyeard visited few days before from … plastic glasses made for kids by a well known Swidish company 🙂

Anyway, it was served in a perfect temperature 😀
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