Dear All,
A short update on the progress of our preparations. We are still in Poland, finalising last preparations before leaving. We are behind our original schedule because the company adding the extra gear to our van proved not to be able to finish their work within almost 2 weeks of extra time. So we got back our new home, with major flaws in the electric installation and wiring, on 12.02…

Few days later (and long hours spent on brushing up our knowledge on electric wiring, reading manuals and connection diagrams) the installation was running correctly 🙂 R. spent some long hours on redesigning most of the wiring to make it safer and more transparent. More details on our van and all the modifications will be coming later, when we are on our way already…
All in all, most of things are finally solved now and we “only” need to pack our new home and clean the mess that we managed to create in the last 4 weeks spent at our parents place!
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